Back in 1996, God birthed in me the vision for planting churches. The turning point moment for me came at a time when Allison Park Church was growing and needing to expand. I was petitioning God for more property to enlarge, when God spoke to me about a larger vision.
It takes more than one large church to reach a city. It takes a movement of churches.
Since that time, APC has been involved in planting 8 churches in the Pittsburgh region. In 2010, we have aggressive plans to be involved in two more, which will take us to a total of 10. These ten churches (plus several others who have chosen to join us) have become a mini-movement of ministry that is focused on reaching the economically and spiritually depressed communities in the Pittsburgh area.
Back in August of 2009, I had a similar vision-expanding moment (somewhat like 1996). I was having a conversation with Brian Bolt, pastor at Pittsburgh City Outreach. We were talking about the city of Philadelphia. He had just returned from there and was expressing to me how much Philly needs churches.
There are 1.1 million people who live in the city limits and over 5 million in the Greater Philly Region. Within the city limits there is so much need! And there are just not enough healthy, vibrant churches who are committed to reaching these difficult areas.
So I said it aloud.
Someone should do something about Philadelphia! This should be a greater focus for the church-world at large. The fellowship that we are part of (AG) should do something about this. (then I somewhat jokingly said) maybe we should plant a church in Philadelphia?
As soon as the words left my lips, I felt the Holy Spirit say - THAT IS A VERY GOOD IDEA! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TO COME TO THAT CONCLUSION. I WANT YOU TO DO THAT.
Since that moment, I have not been able to get away from that sense of calling. Over the next few days, I will unfold some of things that have already started to happen in this direction. It's amazing how things start to fall into place when you step into an idea that is already in the heart of God.
What I will say is this: I AM NOT LEAVING ALLISON PARK CHURCH. I know that is the first question that I am always asked when I start to talk like this. APC is my home and I pray that God allows me to stay here for the rest of my life.
What I am called to do is help launch a church planting movement in the city of Philadelphia, similar to what has been launched here in the city of Pittsburgh. I realize that this endeavor is way beyond my ability. Only God can birth such a thing. I know little about that city, its culture, of what it takes to plant successful churches there.
But I am willing to step out in faith and try. So here we go. In the next few posts I will introduce some of our first steps in that direction. But one thing I will ask of you is this: PRAY WITH ME FOR THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA.
I like this and i'm with you in prayer and in everything i can do for this will of GOD for the people of Philadelphia.
God is on control.
Posted by: bertin Ntampaka | January 17, 2010 at 09:45 PM