It has been my experience, in the realm of planting churches, that when God reveals a direction...things move faster than I can expect or even prepare for. It's almost like stumbling upon something that Someone else has already started building, and then being asked to help finish it?!?
In my previous post on this, I described a moment in August 2009, when I sensed God speak to me that I was to be a part of planting churches in the city of Philadelphia. My natural response to this burden was to project a time-frame that seemed strategic and reasonable.
Maybe in a few years...after we finish planting the ones that we are working on now in Pittsburgh...and after I can learn some more about the city and raise the needed money.
But God had a different pace in mind.
Maybe you have experienced this before? When you start sensing that God wants you to do something, you begin to hear about that thing everywhere you go? I can't tell you how many people started bringing up the city of Philadelphia to me. It almost became comical.
Then in September, I was speaking at the FIND Conference (which is all about church planting). Brad Leach was with me attending that conference. He was independently sensing that God was releasing him from his church in Detroit, and prompting him to take some steps in planting a church once again. He had chosen to attend FIND to seek God for additional clarity.
Now Brad and I have been friends for a number of years. He not only planted Church Of The King in Detroit seven years ago. But he also has helped to plant a church out of his church. His vision to see a movement of churches in a city is identical to mine. Our hearts have been knitted together in that way.
He was sensing that God was asking him to leave Detroit and come to work with me in planting churches. His assumption was that this would happen in Pittsburgh (which is also where his wife Leah is from). That's when I mentioned to him, 'HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED PHILADELPHIA?'
His response was, "I never have even had the thought. But I am willing to pray about it." And as he did, God birthed in him this vision for a church planting movement in that city. Since that time he has resigned as pastor of COTK and is in the process of moving (for a few months) to Pittsburgh. Next week, Brad and Leah arrive and we will together begin to plan our next steps together.
More in the next post on how God continues to work to put some pieces together. Read Brad's thoughts on this decision about Philly here.
I had coffee today with Brad Leach - over the last 5 years we have become good friends & allies here in Detroit. Despite the loss I'll feel personally, I'm so thrilled for both Brad & Leah! I'm thrilled for you too! This new adventure with you to Philly is a God thing - we pray & we obey! We'll miss him here but I've assured him that we (my church & others) are more resolved than ever to continue the mission to reach metro Detroit!
I'm committed to supporting the Philly adventure of Brad & Leah in both prayer and finances! I'm grateful for APC and you, Pastor Jeff, for continuing to lead the way in planting & faith!
Cheering in the Motorcity,
Posted by: Chilly | January 14, 2010 at 06:13 PM