I probably don't say it enough! But I appreciate those who work so hard to make Allison Park Church at great place to be. This past month, so many people have been actively involved in making things happen and I just want to shout it to the world: THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO.
THOSE WHO SERVE - hundreds of people volunteer on the weekends: Teaching kids; making people feel welcome; helping people park, find their seats, worship; those who volunteer in the Cafe or in the Resource Center; those who serve in the Nursery. I could go on. THANK YOU.
THOSE WHO INVITE - hundreds of people brought a friend to one of the weekend events this past month. What an incredible thing to do to be able to introduce someone to the hope of Christ.
THOSE WHO WERE WILLING TO SACRIFICE - many of you attended a different service to make room for guests during these few weeks. Some were willing to park across the street. Special thanks to the Choir, the Worship Team, and those who volunteered for the Easter Egg Hunt.
THOSE WHO PRAY - we cannot underestimate the value of the people who fill the 24/7 prayer room faithfully every week or those who show up 1/2 an hour before service to spend that time preparing the ground spiritually for the service to come.
THOSE ON OUR PASTORAL TEAM - what an amazing staff we have. They work so hard on the weekends to make things excellent. I appreciate you guys so much.
Looking forward to continuing the NEXT RIGHT THING series this coming weekend and celebrating communion in all three services.
Jeff I dont know if you can ever use this in any way for a service but I just feel I have to share this with you. While we were home in PGH on Easter, I brought 3 of my "grandmonkeys" as in grandchildren. Jim and Vicki and Kate kept them "hopping" all weekend with plenty of activity. So as Shelby and Jesse were resting Easter evening, my oldest grandson Timmy (aka Punky) sat in the corner of Jim and Vicks living room and commenced to reading a childrens Bible pretty much cover to cover...Well the silence was broken when I heard Punky say Uggggg.... I said Punk whats wrong ? He looked at me and said "There is a swear word in the Bible" I said "Whats that ?" He looked at me again and said "Jesus Christ" It took all I had to keep a straight face and then I told him, "Punky, thats His name !!!" Jeff, kids are the greatest and they sure do keep ya laughing !!!! Again thank you so much for the double blessing we got on those two Sundays...kinda makes me want to do ...are you ready for it ??? the next right thing !!!!! :)
Posted by: Patty Callahan Stover | April 24, 2012 at 03:22 PM